About The African Meteorological Society

  • The objectives of the AfMS are to advance meteorology and sciences related to it, at an Africa-wide level, and to assist the development of applications of these subjects for the public welfare and benefit of the peoples of Africa and elsewhere.
  • To these ends, the Society will concentrate its efforts on activities which can only be carried out at the African level, or which are carried out more effectively at that level than by a single member Society.
  • The Society pursues only activities directly intended to promote public welfare through Science and Technology as well as Collaboration between member societies.


To become a strong African Continental Society in promoting the science of meteorology and related fields, and their applications and to cooperate with other Continental Societies on an equal basis to create a “Weather Ready continent”.


The Mission of the African Meteorological Society is to promote advancement of the science, profession and application of meteorology and related sciences with Capacity Building through Education and Training with special emphasis on activities which can be carried out better on an African level than on individual member basis for the benefit of the whole population of Africa.